Friday, December 12, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie a "historical and cultural treasure"

We were so proud to read the review of Pirates on the Prairie in today's Star Tribune in which columnist, John Millea, described the book as a "Minnesota historical and cultural treasure, especially for those of us who weren't alive in the 1940s and early 1950s, those of us who grew up in small American towns, those of us who appreciate the essence of young athletes giving it everything they've got and the euphoria that follows them."

Read the Full Pirates on the Prairie Star Tribune Review>>

Don't miss the comments that follow the article . . .

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Click the Comments link beneath this post to add your thoughts or send an email to

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie a "Must Read"

Pirates on the Prairie was reviewed in Tuesday's Rochester, MN Post-Bulletin!

Sports editor, Craig Swalboski, writes ". . . the basketball and the history are so compelling in this tome that I recommend it for anyone who is interested in either of the topics."

Swalboski, continues, "As good as the story is, the history was -- for me at least -- equally compelling. The first quarter of the book sets the scene of what life was like in and near Halstad -- it was among hundreds of similar dots on the map in the early 1950s in states like Minnesota and North Dakota."

Read the full review of Pirates on the Prairie.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie Holiday Offer

Pirates on the Prairie makes a great holiday gift for friends and family. Buy 2 or more copies to save!

Click here to view and print our special Pirates on the Prairie Holiday Offer Brochure.

Call 800.278.1292 to place your order today! Offer valid through December 31, 2008.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie Audiobook Coming Soon

Wish you could listen to Pirates on the Prairie on your next road trip or while commuting to work?

An audio version of Pirates on the Prairie is on its way. We estimate it will be available to ship to loved ones in time for the holidays.

Check back for more info on the Pirates on the Prairie audiobook.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie News

The next printing of Pirates on the Prairie is already underway!

Orders are coming in steadily for the book from Halstadites and others from the Red River Valley, friends and family members of the players, libraries, book stores, and others who've found the book on the web.

Have a personal story to share? Submit a comment below or send an email to

Monday, August 4, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie by Minnesota Author Eric Bergeson - New Documentary Book About Minnesota Sports History

DES MOINES, IA (08/04/2008) -- Pirates on the Prairie chronicles the achievements of a remarkable group of athletes, the Pirates, who explode out of tiny Halstad, MN, population 500, in 1952, much to the amazement of the Minnesota media and fans who quickly learn to love them.

Author, nurseryman, and American history lover, Eric Bergeson, of Fertile, MN, carefully traces the development of Halstad's homegrown Pirates, their classmates, and families, while also bringing vividly to life the environment that nourishes them. Readers become part of the seemingly ordinary day-to-day dynamics in Halstad, from the home lives of the players to the play-by-play reports of their movements on the court-and in the field.

Gradually Pirates on the Prairie answers its fundamental question-how did this happen? What enabled this particular group of boys, at this time, in this place, to perform the larger- than-life feats that earned them third place in the 1952 Minnesota state boys basketball tournament and first in the 1953 state baseball tournament-both against much larger, big-city schools? As excitement builds and hopes grow stronger, readers learn about-or in some cases recall-life in small-town America, when communities worked hands-on together to support and develop their children. At the same time, we detect a foreboding undercurrent-a realization that this will also be a story of loss. For Pirates on the Prairie also documents a profound change in rural American culture that those with small-town roots still feel today.

"This book is not just about a team, it's about a community-they cannot be separated," says Paul Dovre, past president of Concordia College in Moorhead."

Hiram Drache, well-known historian and author of a dozen historical documentaries, states, "The story [is] cleverly woven into a social-economic and cultural history of what was happening in agriculture and small towns throughout rural America . . . Bergeson has done a splendid job."

The writing of this book was first and foremost a labor of love made possible by Clarence Stennes, a Halstad native who hired Eric Bergeson to research and write the story in time for Halstad's 125th reunion, July 19, 2008. The book, greeted with great enthusiasm at that event, is now available in selected Minnesota Thrifty White drug stores, book stores, libraries, and online at

Call 515.278.1292 or email for interview requests and Pirates on the Prairie book signing information.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie Book Orders

Online ordering is now available for Pirates on the Prairie!

$17.95 + shipping & tax (no sales tax outside of Iowa)

Buy Pirates on the Prairie by Eric Bergeson

Or call Resources Unlimited at 800.278.1292 to order by phone.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie Readers Share Their Thoughts

Nearly 1,000 copies of Pirates on the Prairie were sold in the first week alone!

We enjoy reading the emails from Pirates on the Prairie fans, and thought our bloggers might like to read a few . . .

"I opened it immediately and, except to fix something to eat, never put it down until 2 a.m. Sunday. I read every word, not even skipping over descriptions of various 'plays,' even if I am not a really great basketball fan. Then I went back to read again the forwards and beginning chapters. You really captured the 'aura' of the time. May the book be a huge success and launch you as the author of other true stories!"

"You should sell the Movie rights on the book. It was so interesting and I could visualize everything . . . I have to say it was the most interesting book I have read this year!"

"I couldn't quit reading once I started."

"I have finished reading [Pirates on the Prairie]. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It could be any town USA, but it was Halstad. And bless the efforts of Clarence Stennes to bring the idea forward and finding your talents to bring it to us. Good job!!!"

Want to share your thoughts about Pirates on the Prairie?
Click the comments link below, type in your feedback, and click the "Publish Your Comment" button when finished.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Meet Pirates on the Prairie Author, Eric Bergeson & the Players Featured in the Book

Purchase Pirates on the Prairie at Halstad’s 125th Anniversary Celebration, July 18-20 in Halstad, Minnesota. Eric Bergeson and the players featured in the book will be on hand to autograph your copy of Pirates on the Prairie.

For more details about the celebration, visit the Halstad website.

You may also pre-order Pirates on the Prairie by calling 800.278.1292. Orders will ship on July 21.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie

"This book is not just about a team, it's about a community - they cannot be separated. This is a must read for anyone with Halstad connections and a should read for people who are interested in the social history of small town America."

Paul Dovre
Past President, Concordia College
Moorhead, Minnesota
And husband of Mardeth Bervig, former Halstadite

Monday, April 28, 2008

Order Pirates on the Prairie Online

Pre-order Pirates on the Prairie by calling 1.800.278.1292. We expect the book to ship July 21.

$17.95 + shipping & tax (no sales tax outside of Iowa)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pre-Order Pirates on the Prairie!

We are getting very excited as the Pirates on the Prairie publication date is looming closer. In the meantime, you can pre-order your copy of Pirates on the Prairie by calling 515.278.1292. The cost of the book is $17.95 + shipping & tax (no sales tax outside of Iowa). Pirates on the Prairie should be finished within the next few weeks. You can also e-mail with any questions.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Excerpts from Hiram Drache Foreword

My first thoughts after finishing a very enjoyable few hours reading this book were that it could have been titled, A Little Boy’s Heroes; The Rise and Decline of A Small Town; or A Nostalgic Journey. I was born and lived in a small farm-service village in southern Minnesota. After graduating from country school I rode the first bus in the community that transported students to high school in Owatonna, Minnesota.

While reading the story I thought back to my days when we country students occasionally were referred to as “dumb farmer,” “plow jockey,” “hayseed,” or “hick” by the big-time city kids, an experience had by many others during the transition years from the last 1920s to the 1950s after which the country schools basically disappeared from the scene. This was a strong theme that author Eric Bergeson used throughout the story. Bergeson, a very successful nurseryman in the Red River area, uses his writing talents to provide weekly columns for area newspapers making him an excellent choice to write this account for he was aware of the transition. In some respects the story seems to be a fantasy, cleverly woven into a socio-economic and cultural history of what was happening in agriculture and small towns throughout rural America….

The achievements of a small number of highly motivated and team-centered athletes united the residents with the sense of community and pride. This is what makes the story unique. Bergeson has done a splendid job weaving these events into a free-flowing, interesting, and enjoyable read.

Accolades go to Clarence Stennes who made his heroes from the fifth grade come to life by providing the means to record part of his hometown history for future generations to enjoy. He collected material for a half century to make this fine addition to Americana possible.

Hiram M. Drache
History Professor Emeritus
Concordia College
Moorhead, Minnesota

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"The Man Behind the Book"

Foreword written by Clarence Stennes

Pirates on the Prairie has been a three-year adventure for me. The people I have met and the stories I have heard have all contributed to an incredible journey. During this process I have been asked a number of times, "Why are you doing this?" My answer has always been, "It is something I have wanted to do for a long, long time."

Even after moving to Iowa 45 years ago, my ties to the Halstad area remain strong and enduring. I was born in a hospital located in the center of Halstad (population 575). I grew up nearby on a 400-acre farm, now designated a "Century Farm" that is still in our family today. I developed so many wonderful friendships in Halstad, friendships that are still part of my life today.

The impetus for this book was the significant impact the events and players back in 1952 had on me and the Halstad community. I was a mere fifth grader when this group of guys took the entire Halstad area on a memorable ride that was as much a dream as an actual experience. In 1952 expectations for success had been building for a couple of years. We followed every basketball game either in person or on the radio (Remember, we did not have television back then.). My grade school friends and I viewed "The '52 Team" with awe and adulation. Seeing one of them in the hallway was cause to stand back and stare. Seeing Ted Williams or Mickey Mantle would have been no more exciting than seeing a member of "The '52 Team" casually meandering down the street.

The larger-than-life image created by these five guys was not only about their success in sports. They all had a confident dignity, making them even bigger heroes to a young grade-schooler. Fifty-five years later, when I became reaquainted with The Starting Five, they still possessed that same quality of control and self-confidence. It is no wonder they had such an impact upon me back in the early '50's.

For years I thought the exploits of Akason, Hesby, Holm (pictured to the right), Serum, and Thompson should be chronicled. However, I never carried it any further. Then, I began noticing Eric Bergeson's newspaper columns and a light went on: Here was a guy who wrote beautifully and better yet, he was from small-town, northern Minnesota. He would be perfect to write the book!

Eric and I agreed from the start that Pirates on the Prairie should be more than a sports book that recreates the successes of a basketball team and a baseball team from a small town in Minnesota. It should be a book about the background of a small town in northwestern Minnesota. It should be a book that also looks at the history and uniqueness of the little town of Halstad. It should be a book that looks into the lives of the players and the coaches. Where did these young men come from, what influenced them, and how did they develop into such outstanding athletes and coaches? Eric did a masterful job researching, reading, and interviewing. Eric Bergeson has retold this story in a typical, Eric Bergeson manner.

Pirates on the Prairie would never have happened without the support of my wife, Barbara. When obstacles presented themselves, she encouraged me to go ahead with a life-long dream, and she provided me with many helpful ideas along the way. Lori DeLong, who lives in Halstad, helped me every time a photo was needed or a page had to be turned. Kathy Myers, the publisher, generously guided me with her expertise and creativity. I also appreciate the assistance of Ron Laqua, Amy Hoey, and Erika Stennes. These people and countless others turned this childhood experience into an adult adventure.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pirates on the Prairie Featured in the Fargo Forum

An article in today's Fargo Forum features Pirates on the Prairie author, Eric Bergeson and Halstad, Minnesota native, Clarence Stennes, who wanted to tell the story of the 1952 basketball team featured in the book.

Read "Small-town spirit recalled."